The French Welcome
The French Welcome
Written by Lily Bevan. Globe Theatre, 2019
Based on historical truth, in 1604 a household originally from France – the Mountjoys of Silver Street – respond to watching Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus at the theatre, and ask themselves what they would sell their souls for. Marie and Christopher Mountjoy are ‘tire makers’, William Shakespeare is their lodger and Dr Simon Forman their consultant astrologist. Surrounded by intriguing characters, they work for the court and the stage. On this day they discuss Doctor Faustus – its roles for men, for women, religion, science, balance, darkness, truth, devils. People like the devils. The play divides its audience and the household comes to crisis. Ultimately a new bargain is forged.
Lily Bevan
Louis Maskell
Pauline McLynn
Lucie Sword
Jay Villiers